The Talmud teaches: "To save one life is to save an entire world." Each Zion Orphanage boy, despite his difficult start in life, is a unique and beautiful world unto himself.
Zion boys enjoy – for the first time in their lives – the incalculable benefits of a stable, loving and nurturing home. Our staff of counselors, therapists, and "house parents" become the adult role-models these children never had.
With this new-found love, warmth and sincerity, Zion boys thrive. From a place of stability, the child's is unleashed into a world of creativity and scholarship. By day he acquires discipline through study; by night his creativity soars writing and recording his own songs.
By sponsoring a Zion boy, you help make this transformation a reality. A Zion boy will stay in touch with you throughout the year. You will enjoy following his progress as he acquires the tools for a happy, productive life. You will share holiday wishes, and have the joy of providing your boy with birthday gifts and special treats such as ice cream on a hot summer day.
These little things make a huge difference to a boy who – born into a neglectful environment – craves "extra attention."
With Zion Orphanage alumni currently serving in the Knesset and other successful positions, we are well-aware of the precious potential at the core of every child.
Help us transform the life of a precious child in Jerusalem. Your sponsorship is a source of eternal gratitude from the boy – and a source of great merit and joy for you.