Moshe, one of the Zion boys, has crooked teeth. He yearns to smile freely but is quite self-conscious.
Beyond improving appearance, a full, vibrant smile is an important expression of a child's self-image. This is particularly true for Zion boys, whose early years provided tragically few reasons to smile.
That is why major dental-orthodontic work is crucial to fulfilling the Zion Orphanage pledge: to give each boy the best opportunity possible to succeed and excel in life.
Zion alumni include professionals, scholars, members of Knesset and mayors of cities. Give the Zion boys the opportunity to flourish and actualize their potential... like every child deserves.
The Talmud (Ketubot 111b) says: "Better than providing the physical nourishment of milk, is providing the spiritual nourishment of a smile." Your gift to the Zion Dental Fund will help Moshe and 25 other Zion boys in urgent need of serious orthodontic treatment -- providing the confidence to allow their inner light to burst forth with a smile!