Down Syndrome High School

Your Everlasting Investment in Jerusalem

The newest Zion Orphanage program caters to high-functioning Down Syndrome high school boys, with the goal of maximizing their academic potential. 

Located a 4-minute walk from our main campus in downtown Jerusalem is a property owned by Zion Orphanage – built in 1950, yet never renovated.

Through your generosity, this property will be transformed into a custom-built school for this purpose. Included in the building will be four classrooms, a computer room, a music room, a dining room, bedrooms, a kitchen, and a synagogue.

The cost of the complete renovation (not including furniture and appliances) is $800,000. 

The building – your eternal connection to the Holy City – will be dedicated in the name of your choice.

Please join in providing these precious Jewish children with the physical, emotional and educational needs they so richly deserve.

About Zion Orphanage

Founded in 1899, Zion Orphanage is the world's oldest continuously running Jewish orphanage. We provide more than 200 orphaned, homeless and disadvantaged children and youth, ages 3-22, with the highest standards of a warm, stable environment – driven by our belief in the greatness of every human being.

Click here to learn more
Senior members of Jerusalem's municipality, including the Deputy Mayor and Supervisor of Special Education, attended a presentation of Zion Orphanage's Down Syndrome high school program featuring a choir performance.

Donate now to provide a warm and loving home in Jerusalem.